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ID4Africa 2020: Marathon of Innovations


Dec 8, 2020 - Dec 10, 2020

ghanaian labors biometric regidtration
ID4Africa 2020 poster

ID4Africa 2020: Marathon of Innovations is a new virtual conference and Expo experience focused on identity solutions for the new world. Thousands of professionals from African governments and institutions, the digital identity and biometric technology industry, civil society and development communities are expected to interact in a three-day intensive knowledge sharing, networking and innovation exploration.

As one of the professional companies in the field of secure identity solutions, EKEMP is proud to show you our latest solutions in secure identity registration and authentication, all solutions are equipped with state of art biometric and identity technology.

EKEMP would like to invite you to visit us at ID4Africa 2020: Innovation Marathon, a virtual event held from December 8th to 10th, 2020.

Looking forward to meeting you there.



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